Effective methods and means for penis enlargement

surprised woman with the size of a man's dick

Since ancient times, the size and appearance of the penis has been part of the image of a real man.

And men have always thought of increasing their dignity, even though nature has not deprived them of it.

Fortunately, there is now a wide selection of different methods and special devices for implementing such thoughts.

We will tell you what will help you with enlargement and how the penis itself stretches and, in the process of reading, you will understand which methods are most suitable for you, maybe something will become new for you.

How do the different methods work?

As science is developing exponentially in our time, there are many ways to accomplish this task. It probably involves all kinds of effects on the genitals, both directly and indirectly. Direct exposure includes funds that are applied directly to the penis (ointments and gels), the use of special mechanical devices, as well as massages that improve health.

The indirect effects include the intake of various pills and hormones, general exercises and some traditional medicines.

Heads up!Any method of enlarging the male penis should be treated with great skepticism, as there is not much medical research in this area due to the low importance of this subject on a global scale.

In addition, some funds may be contraindicated for a man due to his health. If you want to enlarge your penis (whether in length, width or size in general), it wouldn't hurt to see a doctor so that enlargement therapy doesn't cause complications. In this case, things worse than a small penis can threaten you - impotence, various allergies, cracks in the tissues and even fractures of the cartilage.

how to increase penis size

Below is a general list of all types of penis enlargement products:

  • Pills and similar drugs.
  • Sprays, ointments, gels.
  • Special devices (extenders).
  • Exercises, massages, special masturbation.
  • Popular methods.

Then, in order:


Penis enlargement pills have special formulations, which, depending on the type of medication:

  1. increase libido;
  2. increase the production of male hormones (testosterone);
  3. strengthen the muscles responsible for the level of erection;
  4. improve blood circulation;
  5. increase the resistance of the body.

Basically, the effect of the pills aims to increase the volume of the cavernous bodies of the male penis. Pills are one of the fastest ways to enlarge the penis, but its effect is not long.

Reference!The effect of pills is difficult to accurately track, so their effectiveness is often questionable.


Not everyone knows what it is. Generics are the same pills, containing only one chemical 100% equal to that patented by the original developer of the drug. In short, someone invented a bang-potency remedy, entered the market, but the monopoly did not work, as other "chemists" quickly made a similar drug, just from other substances, having received a copy of the first, with the same effect.

Generics are great for potency.

Sprays, ointments, gels

These funds, which are applied directly to the penis, can be divided into three groups.

  1. The former have a short-term effect (from half an hour to several hours) and must be applied to the penis immediately before intercourse. They temporarily increase the size of the penis due to swelling and also improve erection. It is convenient to use them to ensure the elimination of complexes without serious interference with your body.
  2. Long-lasting creams and ointments, in turn, will not be able to give the same instant result, as they act more smoothly, but they give effect for a much longer period by expanding the corpora cavernosa, improving blood circulation in the penis andincreasing the elasticity of your skin.
  3. There are also creams, gels and ointments to increase potency, which are not directly related to the means of augmentation, but can often be used as adjuvants.

Special devices

penis enlargement extender

Devices for changing the size and shape of the penis are called extenders. They are devices that attach directly to the penis to act mechanically on it, changing the size and adjusting the shape.

The extender market is very wide now and can offer a wide variety of them. There are models that can be used for several hours a day, they work with the help of a weight system.

There are models that are only needed during erection, thus also allowing to correct the shape of the penis. There are even hidden models that can be used even at work.

Most extenders are static, but some are powered by electricity and actively affect the penis.

Penis enlargement devices also help to add a few inches in length and width. Among them, the most popular are:

  1. Nozzle.
  2. Water pump.

Exercises and massages

This is perhaps the most common way of enlarging the penis due to its free and logical use. There are many types of exercises (like the Kegel technique), but the most famous is the special Arab massage, which in the West is called jelqing.

This is a very effective massage, used for centuries in Arab countries. It is based on the application of micro-cracks in the tissues of the penis, which quickly heal and grow with new soft tissues. It sounds quite dangerous, but in fact, by following the instructions and safety rules, this is a very faithful method.

Popular ways

If the above methods cause some concern or you don't trust modern conventional medicine, you can try to enlarge your penis using popular methods, which have accumulated many throughout human history. These methods are even more controversial than pills, but some of them are likely to be effective.


As mentioned at the beginning of this article, you should consult your doctor before starting penis enlargement therapy, although many men are simply embarrassed to do so.

However, this indecision can be bad for your health. If you have a problem with your penis, such as its deformation, some kind of disease or something similar, any method of penis enlargement can be dangerous, as they are all designed to be used by healthy people with healthy genitals. Remember that you need to be healthy to be successful in penis enlargement.

In conclusion, it must be said that most men who question themselves about penis enlargement greatly underestimate the size of their dignity. Of course, everyone wants to be better, especially in that intimate sense, but you need to remember that big size is not the main thing. Stamina, erection and your personal ability to satisfy your partner are also very important indicators.